Organization for Youth Education & Development (OYED)

Laws Concerning Youth in Sweden

Laws Concerning Youth in Sweden

The concept of youth policy was first formally used in Sweden in the 1990s. The concept has not been defined unambiguously in a document from the Riksdag or the Swedish Government. There is also a great degree of obscurity about how the term “youth policy” is used, as it can denote a number of different phenomena. In this section we attempt to clarify how the concept of youth policy can be defined.
The development within the United Nations has been an important influence on Swedish youth policy. The UN proclaimed an International Youth Year in 1985, which in many ways was a starting point for a broader and more active state involvement in youth issues in Sweden. In 1986, a youth minister was appointed for the first time and during the 1990s and early 2000s the government has presented three youth policy propositions with goals and guiding principles.

Today Swedish youth policy includes all the areas of politics that affect young people’s lives in any way. Both traditional youth areas such as leisure activities and school, and typical welfare issues such as work, housing and health have their place in youth policy.


  • Lag (2012:663)
    This Act concerns compensation due to abuse or neglect in the social care of children and young people in some cases.
  • Förordning (2012:409)
    This Regulation lays down rules on government grants for activities that highlight the challenges that the European Union and its member countries are facing in the future. This Act considers matters relating to grants for youth under this Regulation.


  • Förordning (2011:1509)
    This regulation contains provisions on government support for democracy promotion activities in the period 2012-2014.
  • Förordning (2011:1508)
    Act on state subsidies for operations against violent extremism. An association or foundation which has received government grants under this Regulation shall provide a financial accounting of the funds received to the Authority for Youth and civil society issues.
  • Förordning (2011:65)
    Act on government grants for children's and youth organizations.


  • Förordning (2010:84)
    This regulation includes provisions on the government from 2010 to 2012 to test and develop models for activities with vocational mentoring for newly arrived immigrants to enter the labor market or as entrepreneurs.The Youth Board examines matters concerning grants under this Regulation.


  • Förordning (2007:813)
    Ordinance on job guarantees for young people.
  • Förordning (2007:1140)
    Ordinance with instructions for the Agency for Youth and civil affairs.


  • Förordning (2006:7)
    Government support may be provided under the provisions of this Chapter to support both prevention and promotion activities in order to reduce the risk of young people becoming involved in crime, substance abuse and social exclusion, and for the development of drug-free meeting places for young people.
  • Förordning (2006:390)
    This Regulation lays down rules on government grants for projects designed to promote equality between women and men, regarding grants under this regulation considered by the Youth Board.


  • Förordning (2002:989)
    Ordinance on state aid for activities to prevent and combat discrimination.
  • Förordning (2002:1058)
    Ordinance on government support for activities that assist people who want to leave racist and other similar groups


  • Förordning (2001:1060)
    Ordinance on government grants to youth organizations.


  • Förordning (2007:813)
    Ordinance on job guarantees for young people.
  • Lag (1997:1268)
    Act on the municipal responsibility to young people between 20 and 24.
  • Förordning (1997:1278) 
    Ordinance on municipalities' responsibility for young people between 20 and 24.


  • Lag (1995:706)
    Act concerning local responsibility for youth.
  • Förordning (1995:712)
    Ordinance concerning local responsibility for youth.


  • Förordning (1994:519)
    Ordinance on state subsidies for the education of Swedish children and youth.
  • Förordning (1994:641)
    Ordinance on government grants to youth organizations.
  • Förordning (1994:936)
    This Regulation lays down rules on training for young people in terms of manpower training (youth practice).
  • Förordning (1994:1389)
    Regulation with instructions for Youth Board.
  • Lag (1994:1835)
    Adolescents of the county labor board internship shall not be an employee in the performance of such practices as part of youth introduction.
  • Förordning (1994:1202)
    Regulation with instructions for the Youth Board.


  • Förordning (1993:1644)
    Ordinance on the competent body for the exchange program Youth for Europe.


  • Lag (1990:52)
    Act about the Care of Young.


  • Förordning (1983:28)
    Ordinance on the education of children and youth who are staying at home.