Laws Concerning Youth in Germany

Laws Concerning Youth in Germany

Germany is one of the countries in Europe where youth empowerment is taken to a high level. Although on a legislative level there are not many; Germany practices countless programs related to youth.

The reason why we did not include everything is:

1. We focused on laws at a federal level only, so we did not review state legislations

2. Germany adopted EU laws, so did not create its own law

3. European Union Programs like Erasmus and Youth on the Move, are a strong part of the German youth empowerment strategy
This is why Germany seems to have so few laws, but the Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) - Achtes Buch (VIII) is the main source for youth policies.


  • Allgemeine Anordnung zur Durchführung des Bundesdisziplinargesetzes im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
    Regulation regarding vulnerable people in society including young people


  • Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) - Achtes Buch (VIII) - Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vom 26.06.1990 in der aktuellen Fassung vom 22.12.2011
    The main document gathering informations and regulations concerning youth policy in Germany


  • Satzung der "Stiftung Demokratische Jugend" (Anlage zur Anordnung über die Errichtung der "Stiftung Demokratische Jugend“)
    The establishment of „Demokratische Jugend“ foundation -  it helps to empower youth in society.